Music To Melt Tumours - Episode 4.  

Alexkid - Riverflow;
2562 - Narita;
A made up sound - Sleepwalk;
Aaron Spectre - Music is the weapon;
Airhead - Paper Street;
Akufen & Algorithm - Delgado;
Al Tourettes - Dodgem;
Alien Sex Fiend - Sticky;
Alpha Omega - Red Queen;
Alva Noto - Xerrox Tek Part 1 (except);
Âme - Engoli;
Andy Scott - Drippin; Go here to the start of the journey. Go here for next blog entry. Go here to view previous blog entry.


Now read this

Week 3 & 4: Walk a mile in those shoes…

I consider myself, and would certainly like to be considered as, a liberal man. For clarity, I don’t mean to infer any affiliation to the liberal political party. I detest them in fact. By liberal I mean ‘liberal minded’, and by that I... Continue →